Originally Posted by nymyth
so the thread starter, mod and admins can weigh the thread, how can we make it so only mods and admins have the ability to weigh a thread
Only admins and mods who can go to the editthread page can use this, no normal members.
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
so is 100 max? or is it on a 1-10 scale?
sounds useful, but wont it confuse members it some threads are below others, even when they are newer?
The max is pretty dang high, I think I set the SQL field for up to ten figures, doesn't really matter as long as you know what you want to set each thread at.
As far as the second question, that's why you would use discretion with this hack. Only weigh threads that need it, and use it on stickies as you want them ordered, regardless of most recent post.