also, some news regarding this script:
all members of this site that have installed this script, please check the last 5% of your member database, either 50 members or members which have registered over the past 2 months.
Check how many are full members, and how many haven't finalised and are still awaiting authorisation.
- is the 'awaiting authorisation' number abnormally high?
- should more people (based on record before installing this hack) be confirming their membership??
i've been noticing this problem with mine - seems people are receiving the confirmation email, but when they click it, it takes them to (my) site and says 'confirmed!'. but it doesn't actually change their membership in the database.
I've had a look through the code, but can't figure out why this bug is occuring.
a) it's only happening to between 30-60% of my new members since installing this script
b) it's a hit and miss. first time i tested was fine, second time it happened.
the problem is located in the register.php page, most likely.
Once this problem is fixed - we'll release an update. if anyone has any thoughts, i'd love to hear them.