Originally Posted by SemperFideles
I think the real answer is this: you can actually use the built-in search option from vBulletin.
This has got to be the longest "...we're completing upgrades and about to add boards soon..." promise. I half expect folks not to answer the posts on this.
Look at the date that I first asked about this mod: Dec 06. That's 6 months ago.
I wouldn't trust your board to a service this unprofessional. Professional services give release dates vice ambiguous "...we'll be adding you at any time...." I wouldn't trust important data to them either.
The fact is the service has been running fine for years and those boards using this mod have had no problems and continue to use it and benefit in the form of greatly reduced server loads.
Does google give you any guarantees about when or even if they will index your site? They do not. They will index your site when they get to it if you are lucky. They also dont generally give any specific dates when new features will be ready.. until they are ready. And when was windows 2000 released? or office 2003?

The new system we have been relentlessly working on for over six months now, will be ready when it is ready and not before. Would you prefer a 'rushed out the door' system that hasn't been tested properly and could be unstable or would you prefer to rely on a system that has been developed properly and tested thoroughly?
Believe us, noone is more eager to see the new version out than us. But as much as we'd like to get it finished sooner, not everything is under our control and external issues have caused some significant delays. However, Rome wasn't built in a day and the new version of BoardTracker wont be either but it will be ready quite soon and is in fact being tested privately on some boards right now. We are actually indexing millions of posts a day into the new system at the moment and already have several times more forums covered than the current version. When we are confident that it is 'ready for action' we will release it fully and any boards in the submission queue will be indexed shortly after. Our goal in life is indexing all the discussions in all the boards out there, especially those that unfortunately had to wait.
Regardless, this mod is for the current version of BT and any boards already indexed can use it right now (if your board is already indexed) with no problems. It can be used to replace the vb search fully or it can complement the vb search so users have access to both to suit their needs.