I'm a little confused... In the report I get everyday, I see 10/20 users who received the mail... I checked that users and of course, they are inactive since 60 days (that's my setting)... However, if i search users who where active AFTER 60 days ago and BEFORE 59 days ago (inactive for 60 days) i have tons of them (100/150)... I don't understand how this hack gets the "inactivity"... My forum has over 40.000 registered users, and I'm sure that there are a lot more than 10/20 users who reach every day the "60 day" inactivity...
I've tried searching users wich were last active 60 days ago, AND have 1 or more posts.. And that results are more like the sent emails (20/30)... But even like that, I found users who where not emailed (checking the log)... I checked that users to see if it could be something with the "receive E-Mail from administrators" but it's not that either... So, I really don't know wich parameter take this script to send out the emails...
Any clue?