Originally Posted by Roflstilzchen
hi, how can i open the smilies in the usual smilie popup instead of the collapsable solution?
Yep this is on the next version todo list
Originally Posted by Endurer
Vbdev, have you found a solution for the date error? 
No sorry, I was with my girlfriend yesterday and today so I'll check that tonight
Originally Posted by snake-boy
Installed. But....
This shoutbox has some great features, but the features I'm looking for don't seem to be possible? A code hack or future version maybe? This is my wish list:
- Allow the input field to be below the chat window, not at the top.
- Allow the order of the chats to be changed. I need to have the most recent chat at the bottom and the oldest at the top.
I hope this is possible.
Toggle of the time/date stamp's would be useful too... There just doesn't seem to be a chatbox that can do everything I need 
For the first two this is planned, the last one is strange, why don't you want to use the timestamp used everywhere else on the board ?