Hi peeps
Just upgraded my pool (ready for this nice hot summer we is gonna have), We had 1
of those 15ft round x 3ft deep ones last year..Ya know the ones, the one with the
inflatable top ring, Anyway, I had to upgrade as the cat kept puncturing the top
ring so at the end of the season last year i just got that pead off with, instead
of folding it i erm, cut the fecker up lol (how easy was that 'eh)
Anyway, went and collected the new 1 Well new to us, it was used off eBay
(350 mile round trip) it's a 20ft x 12ft by 4ft deep, oh yeah, did i mention it has
a top inflatable ring? yeah i know, im glutten for punishment, well actually, it was
partly our fault the cat kept puncturing it, We had a solar cover for that 1 and it
just sat on top of the water leaving the top ring open to all elements (including cat)
this time we ain't gonna bother with the solar cover and use the full over the ring
cover that comes with it, hopefully that should give a bit of protection from the
puddy cat.....
Added a couple of images, (previous owners setup) just in case ya interested lol
To be honest i am absolutely shattered, burnt, back back and a bad neck now, did all
that driving today, Got home, cut the lawn, and put up the pool (took about 3 hours),
now its slowly filling up, thats gonna take a deffo 2 - 3 days
Anyway, enough rambling...Laters