Originally Posted by DementedMindz
Thanks man yeah I was messing with it for awhile also as for that tbody we were talking about that may have to be wrapped in a <if> this way it will pass cause its the only one i wasn't able to get so far without trying a <if> cause of the way it is. But I was thinking it should have been wrapped cause the tbody below it is wrapped in one. So maybe have it where it can be turned on or off that way this way it all uses the tbody and you can just do a <else />.
I don't understand exactly what you mean. This part is not in the if above cause it fakes the collapse system.
The other <if> is used to show the collapsed chatbox (a set number of post is shown) or the expanded one (where you can chat) depending of the state you left it last time.
Originally Posted by DementedMindz
What kinda button you thinking of for the whos online? a javascript popup? or have it just show how many are using it with out there names?
No not a popup, this would be a button like the one that apper when you set on the /team command.
When user clicks on the button, it then shows in the chatbox the user online instead of the chat and the number of user online in the chatbox.