Ive also got it working on a different domain, but now ive been trying to get it to use vbseo url's ive included
## VBSEO SETTINGS #####################################################
include_once "forums/includes/functions_vbseo.php"; // change this path to reflect where your forum is
vbseo_startup(); // if you have a vbSEO version under 3, comment this line and uncomment the next three
// vbseo_get_options();
// vbseo_prepare_seo_replace();
// get_forum_info();
not sure which files it should be included in, but i tried them all.
I then tried editing the threadid part, and got lost again lol.
anyway, i know its simple, and ill most likely get it when im not so tired.
I just now need to learn how to make it look good and fit the layout better, because i appear to be hopeless at design. any tips would be appreciated.