An issue has arisen with the 'Site Supporter' graphic not showing up for members belonging to two usergroups (a primary usergroup and an additional usergroup).
Using the code originally mentioned in the post above will
only recognize members who's PRIMARY USERGROUP = 'Site Supporter'. Here is a quick fix that will help recognize members who belong to two usergroups (with 'Site Supporter' usergroup being the ADDITIONAL usergroup):
- Member's PRIMARY USERGROUP = Moderators / ADDITIONAL USERGROUP = Site Supporter
- In order for the 'Site Supporter' graphic to appear without altering any changes in a member's PRIMARY usergroup you must use the following code:
<if condition="$post[usergroupid] == PRIMARYID and is_member_of($post, ADDITIONALID)"><img src="images/misc/supporter.gif"></if>
the words 'PRIMARYID' and 'ADDITIONALID' need to be substituted out for their corresponding uID #'s.
Make sure the 'Site Supporter' usergroup is always set as a member's ADDITIONAL usergroup, never primary. It's just easier that way.
This should help fix the problems associated with the graphic not showing up if 'Site Supporter' is a member's ADDITIONAL usergroup. :up: