Updated, version 1.8
- Forced align="left" on main <div>s because people were having problems with the chatbox content being centered.
- Changed javascript function name from deleteShout() to deleteMessage(), because this is a chatbox not a shoutbox :P and the name was visible to users on mouseover
- Added time CSS class to times so it matches the rest of the forum (btw Mark I always loved your forum

since I made games for v3arcade)
- Added javascript isRefreshing check, so the chatbox won't have two parallel refresh instances and show duplicate messages, to fix problem on slower connections.
- When showing latest messages at the bottom, the chatbox now will only scroll to the bottom when there are new messages. (only works if you are not updating all messages on each refresh)
- Fixed javascript warning, was getting shoutsDiv <div> by it's name, wasn't defining shoutsDiv variable. (wonder how it worked in the first place)
- Added option to update all messages on refresh. This will fix deleted messages not being removed from users chatboxes, but can highly increase resource usage. The default method is getting only the new messages.
- Added message colors. You must enable it in the Chatbox options. You can change the available colors in the options.
Message editing won't be added because the user can easily delete his message and resend it. Also because the code level of complexity would highly increase because of the way things are done.
Also I wasn't able to remove the chatbox from the Who's Online list when the user is viewing the forum home, sorry.