Originally Posted by da420
- Idle function - after a set amount of time the user goes idle so the shouts stop refreshing. Then when the user comes back and he sees he's idle (message at the top of the shout box) he can hit a button that says "I'm back." and all will refresh again.
- Users to have the option to disable the shout box all together from their user cp.
- Active Users in The Shoutbox
- Add a PM function (ex. /pm username;message)
- Ignore feature to ignore users (ie. /ignore username then /unignore username to disable the ignore on that user)
- Add an announcement that you can add from the shout box (ex. /announcement messagehere)
- Change descending to ascending mode and editor position from top to bottom
I am going to have a look at the firefox thing for the next version, I'll see if I can encounter the same problem.
For your request, here are my answers:
- The idle thing might be really hard to check, and I think it would add too many charges on the server. I'll see what is possible but I can't promise you anything on that one.
- Yes that's a good idea and not that hard to do, OK for me.
- Yes that was planned. However, I think I will do the check of the user online at page loading and add a button to refresh. However this would be deactivable through the admin as It would add a sql request for each online users refreshing.
- I thought about if for the previous version, but I don't think it is a good functionnality for a chatbox, remember, this is not a chat
So I think I'll pass that one, the mp is here for that 
- This would add an sql request so I don't think it is a good idea, no ? I could make it inactive by default with a warning in the acp that says it adds a sql request at each chatbox refresh.
- There is already an annoucment possibilty but configurable through the acp. However I could remove it from the acp and transform it in a command as you said. That's a good idea.
- Yeah lots of people here already asked that I have noted it

Originally Posted by Mastar
Is there anyway to allow this to show in the ibp arcade? Thanks!
It previously said I would do that in the next version
Originally Posted by ssslippy
Can you add the ability to set your default text with underline, bold, and italic. Thank you
Yes that's planned
Originally Posted by 69lakalle
1) when sum one selects a costum font, color etc it stays like that
2) random smillies
3) been able to select the biggest size users can post
4) a refresh like shoutbox its like a live refresh...
5)still thinking
Here are my answers :
- I don't understand. What do you mean exactly ? There are actually warned of that coz their options are selected by default in the select box of the chatbox no ?
- Yeah I will think to that anyway. However I plan to add a [More ...] link which does like in the posts
- Yeah that's planned you're right on that point
- It don't see what you mean there ?
- Yeah not to much please

Originally Posted by Injektilo
I have this problem... I've doubled checked all the edits and everything and still i have this problem... The chatbox is being displayed but inside the chatbox it shows my website again, instead of the actual shouts...
what am i doing wrong here?

You have uploaded the files at the irght places ? In the page shown in the chatbox, is this a normal page ? or do you get an error in it (like a nopermission). This seems really strange to me.
What version of vbulletin do you use ? Are you the only one to experiencethat problem on your forum ?