Originally posted by Sinema
it said to place it above the wwwroot .. so I placed it right above www in my ftp
That script is meant to be run as a cronjob and is the script that fetches the postings from the newsgroup. So without running that script, no posts will go to or from the newsgroup.
Since you don't have telnet access, you'll need to put the newnews.pl script in a place where it is visible from the web. Also you will need to add this line near the top of the script:
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<pre>";
Then run it from your web browser. You'll have to figure out a way to run it periodically too since you don't have access to a cronjob. Maybe there is a service on the internet that will access a certain page every 15 minutes or so and therefore execute the script.