I noticed that the ones who posted here, and had a forum in their sig, use a shoutbox.
As I hate scrolling down on forums

I looked into integrating
vbShout into the Info Center.
And it went easy
Since the Info Center would become too high with 2 blocks (message + vbShout), I switch off one of the textblocks in the Info Center options.
Here's how to place vbShout into the Info Center:
Install the
vbShout mod, according to its installation steps. But do NOT add "<!--{%SHOUTBOX%}-->" into any template.
In the vbShout options, turn it on, and change the height to a little less high.
I have it at 50.
Also set the Editor Position to below the messages.
Edit this template: inferno_shoutbox_box
Remove the following part:
<td class="tcat" align="center">
<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumhome_infernoshout')"><img id="collapseimg_forumhome_infernoshout" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$vbcollapse[collapseimg_infernoshout].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
That will remove the header, as it looks ugly to have 2 headers right below eachother.
Go to the Info Center options.
You have two options: use the top area, or use the bottom area.
If you use the top area, and have the welcome guests switch on, guests won't see the ShoutBox.
If you use the bottom area, u can show it to everyone, but guests won't see their welcome header.
I'd choose to add it to the top area, but in the demo forum, I placed it into the bottom one, otherwhise you woulnd't see it
To add it in the top area:
Switch the bottom area off.
Add this code into the top message box:
<div class="contentdiv">
You might want to edit the speed of the top slides.
Don't forget, that if your visitors click on the little numbers or "next" link below the Info Center, that the automatic slide changing will stop

So, if u want to only see the shoutbox, click on it's number, or next till u're there, and you can sit back and watch