If you really want a quick, nice job, use these conditions.
Once I feel the hack is at least (insert percentage here) finished, I will give you (insert percentage here) of the money.
If you get it finished in (insert timeframe here) you will get(insert percentage here) more money.
If you don't get it finished by (insert timeframe here), you will only recieve (insert percentage here) of your pay. This is no different from a real job.
If I feel that the hack wasn't done as asked, or at a half rate job, you will only recieve
(insert percentage here) of your set pay.
The offer that I am willing to pay for this job is (insert $$ amount here), no more, no less. The terms and conditions above still apply to this, it is not a guaranteed, set amount. It is liable to change at anytime, providing with the terms and conditions, and nothing else. It will only change under these rules, not by any other factors. These terms and conditions are to prevent scams and help enforce a good, yet fast coding job. If you do not apply to these terms and conditions, you will not be used for this position.
Hehe, hope you liked the article. Might submit it for a sticky.