First, let me say... Awesome style... Me like...
I have a question that involves vBulletin, PhotoPost and your template... Well, all templates for that matter... I have vBulletin 3.6.7 and PhotoPost 5.62. I went through all the steps to integrate PhotoPost within vBulletin and so far, so good. I then stepped through installing your style as per the directions... All is well in Shreddedville except for a couple of things...
The title image which is defined in vBulletin as 'images/shredded_logo/SHREDDEDonline3.gif' shows as a red 'X' (basically, image not found) when over in the integrated PhotoPost. Obviously, there is a problem with the pathing because the two entities reside in different subs. /forum/ and /photopost/ under the domain.
The title image directions say 'relative path under forum' which, to me, makes it unable to be found when over in the gallery. As I type this, I realize, this is not really an issue with the style... But, if you may have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.
www dot shreddedonline dot com