My whole forum is down

I tried to install and now i can't access my forum AT ALL, not the admin panel nothing, how can i remove this?
I went to vB AdminCP, go to Plugin System > Add New Plugin.
Under Hook Location, scroll down to select 'global_start'.
In the 'Plugin PHP Code' field, copy/paste your edited control
script from Part I.
// Place user in/out of single usergroup
// according to yes/no selection made in profile, via
// custom radio button field. ver 1.04
// Enter values in the strings below for your forum
// custom field containing your radio button
$radio_field = 'field10';
// Text returned for 'yes' choice
$join = 'Female';
// Usergroup to enter/exit
$ug = '33';
// You don't need to enter anything below here.
// Derive additional needed variables
// userid of user
$userid = ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
// current usergroups as array
$ugarr = explode(',' , (''.$vbulletin->userinfo['membergroupids']));
// current radio button setting
$fieldval = $vbulletin->userinfo[$radio_field];
// Do the work
// Proceed only if there is a user choice
if ($fieldval != '')
// If yes, add to usergroups
if ($fieldval == $join)
$ugarr = IntoGroup($ugarr, $ug, $userid);
// Else no, remove from usergroups
$ugarr = OutOfGroup($ugarr, $ug, $userid);
// End of Control Code
// Define functions used in plug-in
// ***************** Function IntoGroup() **************
Function IntoGroup($ugarr, $ugnum, $usrid)
global $vbulletin;
// only proceed if not trying to put into current primary usergroup
if ($ugnum != $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'])
// check for empty usergroup array
if($ugarr[0] == '')
// set veriables
$uglist = $ugnum;
$ugarr[0] = $ugnum;
$doit = true;
// usergroup array not empty
// If not in usergroup already
if(!in_array($ugnum, $ugarr))
$doit = true;
// add group to end of array
array_push($ugarr, $ugnum);
// sort numerically
sort($ugarr, SORT_NUMERIC);
// if only one group in array
if (count($ugarr) == 1)
// simple group list string with no commas
$uglist = $ugnum;
// else more groups in array than one
// group list string with comma delimiters
$uglist = implode(',' , $ugarr); // convert array to string
if ($doit)
// Put updated usergroup list into database
$updatefields = $vbulletin->db->query("
SET membergroupids='$uglist'
WHERE userid=$usrid
return $ugarr;
// ***************** Function OutOfGroup() **************
Function OutOfGroup($ugarr, $ugnum, $usrid)
global $vbulletin;
// only proceed if not trying to remove from current primary usergroup
if ($ugnum != $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'])
// Proceed only if usergroup array not empty
if($ugarr[0] != '')
// Check for target usergroup in existing array
if(in_array($ugnum, $ugarr))
// Rebuild array without target usergroup
$iii = 0;
foreach ($ugarr as $value)
if ($value != $ugnum)
$new_gparr[$iii] = $value;
$ugarr = $new_gparr;
if (count($ugarr) == 0)
$uglist = '';
$uglist = implode(',' , $new_gparr);
// Put updated usergroup list into database
$updatefields = $vbulletin->db->query("
SET membergroupids='$uglist'
WHERE userid=$usrid
return $ugarr;
// End of function code