Originally Posted by Sir_Yaro
Two questions. - Is there any way to edit shout(s)?
- How to set different input field size on vBA than forum home ?
Generaly 50px input field is fine but vBA's columns are very narrow and 50px input field is way to long for vBA...
If u can show me how to detect current page (if it's vba page or forum home) I think I can do it by myself...
firefox's error console says:
and my friend additionally show me this:
shoutsDiv.innerHTML = newshouts + shoutsDiv.innerHTML;
function updateChatbox(newshouts) {
if (inputontop == 1) {
shoutsDiv.innerHTML = newshouts + shoutsDiv.innerHTML;
} else {
shoutsDiv.innerHTML = shoutsDiv.innerHTML + newshouts;
document.body.scrollTop = document.body.scrollHeight;
There's no way to edit shouts in the current version.
You can change the input size for both chatboxes (vBa and forum), but not for only the vBa one. That would require changing code but I'm afraid I wouldn't know how to do that.
I'll fix that firefox error (it's more of a warning than an error) in the next version.