Originally Posted by Yellow Slider
thanks, but google had stoped indexing new theards, it will index anything else, but threads, tomshing is wrong, the .htaccess file os fine, i can view the files by atraf-f.net/site... just beacause of the .htaccess file, they are stored in ttp://www.atraf-f.net/vbseo_sitemap/data, and the last sitemap that the generator made is the one i gave http://www.atraf-f.net/sitemap_30.xml.gz you can view it throw this URL but it's actually stored in vbseo_sitemap/data/ , and i don't see any new theards \ messages in the GZ files that the generator is generating..
a google bots had used to index our threads on a daily basic, and now we done some hanges in the theards pages and after redoing those changes google bots are not indexing new pages from my board, im telling you, the bots used to index our pages every day, and now there in no new thread page in google for sonthing like 2-3 weeks, what seems to be the problem?
lets say the generator had generated the sitemaps, and there were somthing like 5000 posts that day, those posts will be in the last sitemap file? (let say num' 30 out of 30 )
cause i don't think that links to new posts are generated into the sitemap files, i cant find any new link to new theards in my forum in my sitemaps files..
what is the problem?