Originally Posted by wolfe
how would i import my cats and downloads off downloadsII into LDM.
Without playing around with DownloadsII, I can't tell you in detail.
LDM has three key database tables that you need to fill -
- linkslink - one entry per download
- linkscat - one entry per category
- one entry per download per category in which you've placed it
You can write some code to transcribe the relevant tables from DownloadsII to this format.
Alternatively, you can try dumping the downloads and categories tables from DownloadsII and reformating them into the .xml or ,csv formats (.xml is better) that LDM can import
Originally Posted by wolfe
how would i make this code show random thumbs
PHP Code:
// This shows "What's new"
$filter = array("link.linkmoderate=0");
$order = "linkdate DESC ";
list ($links['new'], $nhits, $q) = get_links($filter, $order, "links_forumhome_thumbs");
This is from the patch-forumhome-thumbs plugin, right?
Attached is the modified version which shows random selections. Basically, you just change "linkdate DESC" to "RAND()"