Originally Posted by Billspaintball
Have you tried using
<!-- PayPal Donations -->
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="../forums/billspaypal.php?">$vbphrase[billspp_donate]</a></td>
<!-- /PayPal Donations -->
or as a last resort
<!-- PayPal Donations -->
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="http://www.mysite.com/forums/billspaypal.php?">$vbphrase[billspp_donate]</a></td>
<!-- /PayPal Donations -->
One of those should work in this case.[/QUOTE]
Thanks Bill. That'll help me for next time. In the meantime, I decided to put it in the quick links menu, and just used a straight html <a href> link in that menu. I'm still new to this php stuff - is there any magic behind the "$vbphrase[billspp_donate]"? I don't quite get the phrase stuff yet.
Also - maybe I missed it, but does this mod keep track of donators, and is there a way to view them?