There cant be much of a change in standard just for a smiley button im sure?
There was a smiley button in 2.0 and 2.1 surely you can add it to this one please?
There are a lot more features that you can add for the pro version that peeps will
still want to and to pay for?
I have had a quick look at the code actually and was wondering if the code for v2.0 is similar, i dont think its gonna be that hard to disect v2.1 and add it to this 1

I will have a play me thinks.
Originally Posted by Inferno Tech
Yes you may be able to find someone that will modiy it for smilies for you maybe for free, maybe for a little fee but can you guarrentee that it will be at the high standard that we offer?
Acid Burn - Inferno Technologies Developer