Hey wetwired, thanks for the post.
Here is the problem with not editing the SQL. I have vbadvanced installed. Unfortunately it is littered all over the place with the url. The thing that really sucks is that if I go and change the URL via admincp it catches a few but there were still tonnes of references to mysite/ getting mixed into my testsite/ forum.
I admit I am pretty much brand new to vbulletin. I'm converting over from phpbb. With phpbb I simply dumped the database, restored it to the new database and changed one setting. Easy as pie to clone or move the site.
Maybe there is a better way to do this I'm not sure. I might actualy go make a post at vbadvanced because this was a pain in the butt. The 2nd round I actually did not change the sql and I manually went into admincp and change the forum url and the vbadvanced url. Then I ended up spending another hour continually finding that my test site was transferring over the production site because all those damn references were not changed.
I had to update all my smilie, graphic references, html page references, etc. I'm still not sure if I got them all.
Actually I just went through the sql again and I had 78 references to the url in the following tables
Only 1 of these was vbadvanced, although there were a few vbadvanced related items in the other tables.
So my question then is, is there an easy way to change the site url from admincp and have it update all references easily?