Gray if you do a search on the support forums, which you currently have access to, you should find an answer to that question

Support for paid versions is given there, not here.
Secondly, we offer support, however i do not understand why you feel this should extend to us telling you how to modify the product. If you buy a playstation game from a store, do you expect support from sony on how to make it run on an X-Box? Do you expect the helplines to tell you how to modify the game?
You do not, therfore i feel it is unfair that you should somehow see us as lesser to them simply because we do not sell in retail outlets.
Paying for a product does not automatically entitle you the right to an answer to any question about how to do anything with the product. If you have a problem, we will fix it, if there is a bug, we will fix it, if you cannot get it running, we will help you. We do not have time to mod it for everyone who asks however.
I hope you understand that we will do everything we can to make sure the product works for you, but we are not obliged to tell you how to do things the system was not designed for, if you want to do something it was not designed for, then you should ask on a place like
Try emailing Jelsoft, and asking them how to migrate their posts to work on IPB, or something similar. They won't answer your request, will i see a similar vitriol agaisnt Jelsoft? I doubt it. Just because we are a small company, does not give you the right to treat us badly just because you bought something from us.
Thanks for listening,
Iain Kidd, Inferno Technologies Co-Owner