Hi Alan,
Thanks stopping by! I must say this sounds like a great shame. I think you did a fantastic job with this mod, and it has made life on my board SO much better!
I guess there is some good news and some bad news. The good news is that since I already have the current version, it would be relatively easy for me to roll all my changes into it (including support for vBRecycle (if installed)) and to export it again as a new version. There is just a very small bug - but if you could give me some advice on it I'm sure it won't be a big issue.
As much as I'd love to take over your mod for you, I'm afraid I just don't have the technical skills (with VB and PHP in any case) to answer any requests for feature enhancements or support it properly. I just wouldn't be able to do it justice.
If we can figure out some other way to get the files updated (I PM'd one of the admins to ask for help), I'd be more than happy to repackage a new version though.