Originally Posted by paldo
[high]* paldo uninstalls cuz it appears to get a smiles feature its going to cost 30-50 bucks i aint "THAT" impressed[/high]
Originally Posted by paldo
thats what he said early in this post .. do some reading .. i like the shout but to pay that just for the privlage of a smiles buttun to make my users happy i will just wait for a peep that likes to share and not get rich off the work
What you need to remember Paldo is that Zero Tolerance and the team have given up hours of their own spare time outside of college and work and real life to bring you such a high class hack.
You may not think that it is work the money but you need to consider the number o hours we have put into it and that if you went to a company for something similar that you would be looking to pay alot more.
Yes you may be able to find someone that will modiy it for smilies for you maybe for free, maybe for a little fee but can you guarrentee that it will be at the high standard that we offer?
Acid Burn - Inferno Technologies Developer