Originally Posted by paldo
thats what he said early in this post .. do some reading .. i like the shout but to pay that just for the privlage of a smiles buttun to make my users happy i will just wait for a peep that likes to share and not get rich off the work
Oh come on. Don't start crying that he doesn't want to share. He shares enough as it is; he can choose to sell his products if he wants to. I'm glad he released a free version of it as it is. If you want a good forum, you gotta be willing to spend alittle cash on it.
FYI, the smilie feature isn't going to be the only thing in PRO. If he hasn't said anything about what's gonna be in pro, THEN you'd be impressed. He's not done yet.
Anyway, I haven't had a problem with it so far. Just can't wait for the extra nifty features that this will have in the PRO version.