I have rechristened this project "Joomla for vBulletin" which is more descriptive and added the logo, however the shorter "vJoomla" nickname will continue to be used. This product has moved beyond being a mere bridge and though it is largely compatible with Joomla it needs to be regarded, for the most part as it's own branch.
The goal however is as Joomla 1.5 allows for more powerful manipulation of the core functionality without hacking the code (and therefore the diversion) from standard Joomla can be reduced. The goal of this project will remain staying as close to Joomla as possible without compromising vBulletin code at all and only compromising Joomla code when absolutely necessary.
Over the weekend I will be launching the vJoomla website. In addition to providing support for vJoomla I will be providing some crossover help for coders interested in coding modules and components for Joomla in general and vJoomla in particular. This includes a detailed mapping out of exactly what I did to Joomla's standard code and why.
This project will be managed and licensed subject to the same terms of it's parent - the Gnu Public License.