Per-Aa: I did have an idea of adding 'Upcoming Releases' under 'Recent Games' for sure. But that will come later once I get the game pages ready. With the games layout, you are correct it needs work and it will be worked on. It will be just like the companies page so it will have list 'all' feature. As for help, could always use it lol. For right now the biggest thing I need is people to post their ideas, comments, etc.
Luky: Yes and no, its just till the 1st stable version is released. The current releases are just to play around with so I can get feedback and ideas from all of you as well to save time on. I really don't have the time to do updates on the beta which could change quite a bit before I decide on a standard. To be honest there would very well be about 8-12 beta release before the 1st stable release. Thats why I this is just a beta and not to use on a live site. But one day it will have updates.