Originally Posted by madbrit
Sorry...thats not it at all on my site. I can enter text in the chat box...hit send...nothing happens. I have tried refreshing, etc..it just isnt there.
I can hot enter with no text in the Chat box... and it comes back as expected...no text entered. It does appear to be configured...
... I was wondering if this had anything to do with the manual config of the Chat.php (cant remember file name) where you alter the GMT time difference...
... Have tried several different settings in an attempt to get at least a sentence to appear... and nothing still.
Will leave it installed to I hear back.... and if not... will de-install... The users keep asking me about it - it is just not functioning
I had a very similar strange thing on mine.
If I typed a message it could not be seen in IE6 but it could in FF.
Now if I clicked a drop down menu like the quick links one....The chat suddenly appeared on the screen in IE.
Very Strange