Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
ps. sorry forgot a question...
is there a way to find out what the actually link to the file is? like if want to hotlink to an uploaded video or music file (mp3) to stream somewhere else (like another site or part of the forums)...
could I?
specifially I want to:
-upload a mp3 to LDM.
-link and/or stream it elswehre, like a separate xeon flash jukebox thingy or a separate site.
but I can't figure out what the url would be(much less whether it'd work).  me stooopid.
Funny thing is that the next question on the forum points to the answer.
The url you need to play entry XX in category YY is the following
Be aware that the remote player will seem to LDM as if it is an unregistered user, so you must set up things so that unregistered users have access.