Just an update for those wondering, the next release will patch up issues encountered:
Bugs Currently fixed for the next release:
XHTML 1.0 Transitional
User member profile links leading to null entries
Active shoutbox users fixed (invalid amount shown, duplicate entries shown)
URLs will be linked automatically, if you allow the option to use [url] bbcode within the shoutbox.
Enabled option to switch to an alternate shoutbox layout, curved elements will be removed at the cost for functionality. Only use this if you're having issues with your styles and the shoutbox display.
Drop thread linkage on reply/thread creation notices if link bbcode is enabled.
Use alternate methods to link to threads in reply/thread notices to visit thread without opening a new window.
Make thread links in thread/reply notices go to the last post within the thread.
An off switch for any thread/reply notices.
Thread titles with special characters messed up in thread/reply notces.
Special characters in different charsets.
Shoutbox notice now made slightly higher than other shouts to fit in better.
Fixed shoutbox deployment plugin (didn't follow path directives).
JS error when user was banned and system attempted to fetch new shouts.
Bugs pending for the next release:
vBSEO compatability (
Pending on information to debug)
Page Deployment Issues
Obviously people with vBSEO and a custom portal system are having issues right now, I know the person with the portal system said changing the "THIS_SCRIPT" constant to something other than 'index' would cause issues, however all frontend scripts are
meant to have unique names for the THIS_SCRIPT constant, so I'm afraid that's bad implementation on the portals end. That said, Im not sure how this messes up your portal page, it would load the shoutbox for deployment, but without the template edit for your portal, the shoutbox wouldn't actually show, so perhaps you could eloborate on that for me?
As for vBSEO, currently looking into this still, if anyone can contact me via PM or Yahoo messeger (
) that can offer ACP/FTP access please do so this can get fixed up
When's PRO coming?
Sooner than you think
I'll reply once the Lite version has been updated with the bug fixes, thanks for everyones feedback on errors and general likeness
- Zero Tolerance
Inferno Technologies Lead Developer