woot! andrew still pwning all mods with his support!

Andrew for vb mod president!
Originally Posted by AndrewD
there is one already - take a look in the extras directory of the release.
how about one where ppl can upload regular movie files and it converts them to play in the flash player...
ie: that would give us all our own youtube, google vid etc site instantly!!

awww yahh... user contributed movie content here we come!! that wold be sooo leet.
(sorry, I know that might not be possiboe...but it was a thought.

also, may LDM is producing weird letters when post comments to threads....
ie: make a comment to a video, it posts to thread... the comment comes out with weird text:
namely: " \r\n\r\n" appears
still can't figure out why the thumbnail viewer isn't working for our music upload section.

I have not changed any templates of LDM.