This is working fine so far on my live forum, however, I've MANY sub forums and it's pulling in replies from all of them.
I think an option to switch the 'post latest replies' on & off would be immensely useful, else folks are stuck removing forum id's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,....99,101,102 - not very practical in that one regard.
Another area I think shuold be standard is the to have groups enabled & disabled for viewing of the shout box.
I'm happy with all my members seeing it, but I don't want guests seeing the shoutbox until they've registered. So, with that in mind, I did this little code to block guest from seeing the shoutbox.
<if condition="!$show['registerbutton']"><!--{%SHOUTBOX%}--></if>
Hope that helps anyone who's wanting to stop guests seeing it too.