I would like to do this as well.
I believe it would take modfiication of the user.php where this code is shown:
print_form_header('user', 'domoderate');
print_table_header($vbphrase['users_awaiting_moderation'], 4);
"<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"" . $vbphrase['accept_all'] . "\" onclick=\"js_check_radio$
<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"" . $vbphrase['delete_all'] . "\" onclick=\"js_check_radio($
<input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"" . $vbphrase['ignore_all'] . "\" onclick=\"js_check_radio($
), 0, 'thead', -3);
while ($user = $db->fetch_array($users))
$cell = array();
$cell[] = "<a href=\"user.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=edit&u=$user[userid]\" $
$cell[] = "<a href=\"<A href="mailto:$user[email]\">$user[email]</a">mailto:$user[email]\">$user[email]</a>";
$cell[] = "<a href=\"usertools.php?" . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=doips&depth=2&$
$cell[] = "
<label for=\"v_$user[userid]\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"validate[$user[userid]]\" value=\"1\" i$
<label for=\"d_$user[userid]\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"validate[$user[userid]]\" value=\"-1\" $
<label for=\"i_$user[userid]\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"validate[$user[userid]]\" value=\"0\" i$
print_cells_row($cell, 0, '', -4);
One should be able to add a column, say next to username, to display the custom userfield.
I can add the column easy enough, but I don't know the code to enter in the bottom half that would pull out the custom userfield, say if it was userfield -> field7.
I'd love help with this too. To combat SPAM, we require Full Names and most SPAM bots will not use a full real name. I have to open each user and check as I moderate.. if I could display custom userfields this would be much quicker!