Hi there, I've been looking for a mod like for ages, but never found it. The idea is this:
When a thread is moved a little note should be added onto the thread which says something like "Date/time: This thread was moved from XXX to YYY by ZZZ". It should be a very small entry between posts, much like the thank you's that appear in the thank you hack.
Why is this a good idea? It saves the moderator having to always make a separate post to say "I've moved this thread", and will help to remind users that moderators are working hard to make sure threads go in the right area.
The same thing applies with thread merges. Sometimes two threads are merged together and the result can be a little confusing to read. Wouldn't it be good if prior to the first merged post a little note appeared to say "Some posts below this point were merged into this thread by ZZZ from another thread titled XXX".
Or how about when a mod modifies the subject of a thread? How about a little note which says "date/time: XXX has modified the subject of this thread, reason YYY"
I'm sorry if this request has been posted before, I did take some time to look for such a mod, and also requests for something like this, but I've been unable to find it.
It seems a little bit like a combination of the
Thank You mod (which puts little notes between the posts) and the
moderation Auto-PM mod.
If any mod developer thinks this is a great idea (or anyone else for that matter) it would be awesome if someone would take on such a project!