Sorry to bug you again, but I had another question:
I added a 'groups' link to the nav bar using this code:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="" accesskey="5">Groups</a></td>
It works just fine. Something weird happens though. I also have Zoints installed, which shows up as a link saying "AFKAY Profile" to the left of it. For some reason, when I go to my groups home page, that "AFKAY Profile" link changes to "AFKAY
Groups Profile". Everything seems to be functioning fine, it's just a small 'problem'.
Here is what I am talking about (the bottom picture is what it should look like. The top picture is what it changes to on the groups home page):
It still functions just fine, so no big deal if no one can help me. Just being a bit nit picky right now.
GREAT MOD by the way, my members and I love it. Keep up the good work.