Installed and working on 3.6.7 PL1. This is just what I needed! Thanks!
Somebody mentioned this a few pages ago (yes, I'm too lazy to go back and quote it). One of the styles I use wasn't showing text in the input area. The smallfont style for that theme has the text white, and the input box background unset (white) by default. Thought I'd share how I dealt with it.
In chatbox.php
maxlength="255" class="smallfont"
Change to
maxlength="255" class="bginput"
For styles having problems
Edit Main CSS
Adjust the Input Fields section to appropriate background and/or text colors for you style.
The Input Fields section changes the style for all input fields in vBulletin. If you change the colors for them, you'll also want to edit the settings for <select> Menus to match. Otherwise your drop down lists will be a different style than input fields. This is very noticeable during registration or when editing a profile.