Just installed it. It works fine for me in 3.6.7.
Here's a change I made.
I edited the phrase to "Edit History" like you can see on the first page. However, I also made use of the $post[editcount] feature by not having the "Edit History" link even show up if there is no edit history. Just a small change, but real handy dandy.
<if condition="$show['edithistorylink'] && $post[editcount] > 0"><a href="edithistory.php?do=viewedithistory&postid=$post[postid]"><phrase>$vbphrase[saved_edits]</phrase><a></if>
Oh, and I suggest that you add to the readme the fact that you need to allow this for usergroups before it'll work. I was confused at first but started reading the thread and found out that way. Other people might not be so fortunate.