Originally Posted by silencerdeluxe
Is there any Chance to include this ideas:
1. Use an folder for downloads from an external File-Server
I don't understand what you mean. Can you explain this more?
Originally Posted by silencerdeluxe
2. Create Subfolders in the Download-Folder for each category and subcategory to sort the Files, if an automatic system is to difficult perhaps an simple option in the acp like "use subfolders named by the categories" to mark, and the path will change to downloadfoalder/$categoryname/... So i can create subfolders in the downloads-folder with the same name of the category and subcategory?!
Unlikely to happen using category name. But, I'm going to look at using the category id. That would help not have all the files sitting in the downloads folder.
Originally Posted by silencerdeluxe
3. A second Rating-System for Nations who didn?t use grades from A to F, perhaps Starimages like the Thread-Rating from VB.
(sry for my bad english)
That's already been recoded by Jelle to stars in ver 6