I mean the hacks on the forums. I changed the copyrights on the clan templates as it wasnt me who changed that.
I uploaded all the hacks and like fixed up my self (the forums) but it was gotten from unenegizers site.
So report me, I put back the copyrights that I did not know were removed.
If anyone can tell me how to replace that image "Designed by Omair K. Founded by Andrew F." please tell me with the original one, someone else who uploaded the forum did it and I want to put back the original. Thanks.
Sorry guys. I really didn't know they were there. My name is Andrew not Omair that is the person who uploaded it. I put the one back on the clantemplates and I will get the forum one back also.
Thanks, I am working with another designer to make a custom main page ect so yeh.
Thanks for informing me.