Originally Posted by bkaul
One other issue I hadn't noticed (as an admin), but my users are reporting -
the minimum time between posts setting (default = 60 seconds for flood prevention) is enforced between the initial attempt to submit and the resubmission when this product interrupts them. I've dropped the minimum post time setting from where I had it at 10 seconds down to 1, so this shouldn't be a practical problem for me, but for larger boards where flood prevention is important, this could become an issue. Every time a regular user tries to submit, if someone's posted in front of them, they'll have to wait another xx seconds to retry, and if someone else has posted in that time, they'll have to wait again, etc.
Obviously disabling the flood prevention delay works around this entirely, but it might be something to look into for the future.
Yeah... I installed the latest version & one of my users was testing it & stated the below & saying it was like he was in like a kinda loop..
I try to quick reply; It gives me the "a new reply has been posted" message; I hit "okay" and try to quick reply again; it gives me the "this forum requires that you wait XX seconds between posts message; I hit okay and try to quick reply; it gives me the "a new reply has been posted"".
Have disabled it for now..... but thanks for your continued work on this!