Originally Posted by CyberRanger
abouttoday is having trouble reading from this site: http://rss.crash.net/crash_18.xml. Let me look into it some more. For now, I disabled that feed on your site.
edit: nope, I was wrong. It's having trouble with anything from http://rss.crash.net/ trying to figure out how to make it work.
I think I figured out what you need to do. One of your feeds (for example) is
http://rss.crash.net/crash_18.xml. If you enter that url, it brings up
http://rss1.mediafed.com/feed/crash/BRITISH_SUPERBIKES. If you enter THAT url (in the abouttoday rss setup) as the url for your feed, it works!
I've fixed the three feeds you had. All is well!