I fixed it, bit of a pain but I can't blame this on the modder here, it's the Itemstats code that has issues.
First, it didn't create the tables, which is because a function in itemstats.php is supposed to create them if they don't exist, but it doesn't specifiy InnoDB or myISAM for the table type - if you have a database that supports both this script will attempt to create it as InnoDB and the problem there unlike myISAM InnoDB doesn't support "fulltext" indexing of columns, which is what is specified for the last column (item_html). As a result the entire query fails, none of the tables are created, and you have issues.
I fixed this easily enough by creating the tables manually via the mySQL command line and specifying myISAM as the table type. Then the addon worked like a charm.
From there, I decided to merge this with another install of Itemstats I have running, for my Joomla CMS front end. Rather than have the forum version and the Joomla version use different databases and directories I ended up modding the Joomla version so that it worked off the forums. PM me if you want to know how or maybe I'll post it up here if there is enough interest.
Also, I don't seem to have the WYSIWYG problem? I can quote a post just fine and the item link remains the same. Is there something else I should be looking for?