How do I add a "bump" thread right next to the thread
I have searched high and low for a modification that will allow a thread to be bumped to the top via an image or text link (preferably with ajax).
Right now to bump a thread, the thread has to be opened and then the topic tool s edited to use the bump feature mod that I found here.
Because I have a very active community forum, it's necessary that I (admin) or mods bump topics several times a day and I was thinking that how much easier it would be to bump a topic via an image or text right next to the thread topic link versus opening the thread and using topic tools. ( I attached a graphic ).
I have tried to use the link that bump code uses but I can't figure out how to get the bump image/text to link with the thread. I am not a coder and thought that someone might have done this already and can point me to where the mod is located.
Thanks in advance.