Originally Posted by syrus.xl
In the launch code you'll see this line:
HTML Code:
<a href="javascript:NewWindow=window.open('mp3playerindex.php?do=viewmp3playerpopup','newWin','width=500,height=500,left=0,top=0, toolbar=No,location=No,scrollbars=1,status=No,resizable=No,fullscreen=No');
NewWindow.focus(); void(0);">vbMp3 Player</a>
Change the relative url from this:
HTML Code:
To an absolute url like this:
HTML Code:
Obviously changing the example url part depending on what your forum root is named, etc.
Hope that helps!
This helped with the Nav Bar in my Links and Home (CMPS) thanks for the info.
I will do some more reading and see if I can find a solution for the following but if someone can help I would appreciate it.
How can I make the Add MP3's open in another window when clicked on so it does not appear so small (same size as player)?
I have already played with some options but it also affects the player. I like the size of the player and want to keep it the same, just want the ADD MP3 to open up in another full size window.
Thanks in advance for you assistance.