Hello Cybernetec,
Thanks for this nice hack. :up:
Originally Posted by bkaul
I'm noticing on my forum that "Reply to all" works fine with 3 or more recipients, but the link doesn't appear with only 2. > vs >= logic issue maybe?
Just to let you know, I have noticed the same thing bkaul mentions.
Edit: one other thing: when i click on new posts while there aren't any new unread posts, in the message screen that vBulletin shows:
vBulletin MessageSorry, there are no new threads to view.
You may search for threads updated during the previous 24 hours, here.
the private messaging part in the navbar has gone blank, like in this example:
Welcome, ODiUM78.
You last visited: Today at 09:29
You have no new reputation comments.
Any idea what's going wrong?