Interesting subject this, and pertinent in my case.
I had been running Photopost Pro until my hosts ruined it during a server move. That brought about an opportunity to look at what else was on offer.
I ended up going with Coppermine, and have got to say I much prefer it. For a start it 'seems' quicker. The interface is easily customised, the simplicity of control is to be admired, and for a free product it's extremely impressive.
There are ample templates available for download, and all-in-all I'm glad we made the change. We've also moved away from integration. Bridging was something we could have done but decided against because of those dreaded spammers and how easily they can populate a site with inappropriate pictures in the middle of the night. So our users now have to request an upload account, but can browse without problem.
Doing this also meant we weren't using up resources that we didn't need to. To automotive sites, in my opinion, Galleries are a must-have.
Coppermine gets my vote.