It seems this hack has some issues with the new 3.6.6, since they made some changes to class_bbcode.
Actually it's a conflict if do_parse() is called directly. The
bbcode_parse_complete plugin needs a check before restoring $tag_list. Like this:
PHP Code:
if (!empty($this->bbcode_tag_list) AND (THIS_SCRIPT != 'misc'))
$this->tag_list = $this->bbcode_tag_list;
Otherwise the BB-codes in following posts won't parse because you just successfully emptied $tag_list by jumping to do_parse() and skipping bbcode_parse_start.
Also I figured out why my
misc.php?do=bbcode changes weren't working for some people. Just make the plugin change above (as well as the misc.php changes
here) and disallowed bb-codes won't show there.