True enough. However, a way to ban anonymous proxy servers *should* be possible. For god's sake, people, the web was built by open source programmers. The very same people who built Apache, php and everything else the web runs off of. Don't tell me that no one had the foresight to realize that they might actually want a way to ban someone someday. As far as banning an entire household, I have no issue with that whatsoever. If the son is acting a fool on a server the father also uses then this would be an incentive for him to behave because he would get dad banned too. It's called accountability and no one on the web seems to have any.
Hopefully, one day, the law will recognize web servers as the "virtual property" of the owner and enact "No Trespassing" laws which would provide punishment for those who violate bans, etc. Anonymity has destroyed the web.