wow, that's a comprehensive suggestion list. thank you, i'll definitely go through that carefully.
btw. here's a preview of the threadlist. i have no idea why i'm only sharing this but here it is:
left to right:
- Subscription status (full colour/greyed out): whether threads go into your subsume (inbox).
- Favourite status (full colour/greyed out): whether threads are marked as favourites thus sit within your private favourite list for quick access. a little like book marks.
- Post Icon
- New Replies/No New Replies
The first two are AJAX controlled for easy toggling too.
As a note to everyone. suggestions really do help. they may not get implemented or may be implemented differently to what you envisioned. hey they may even go in as you designed but they always help. And the earlier you get the suggestions to me the better as i really hate the idea of recoding whole sections of code or just wedging code in randomly. i really want the code to be a lot cleaner on 3.0. Also suggestions as to what permissions (the ones settable in the admin control panel) you'd like to see are a lot of help also.